An old factory hall full of clever people and the opportunity to work with others on challenges during a few days: Two basic ingredients that sound very simple, but have great effects. The #OSCEdays (Open Source Circular Economy Days) have created this fertile mixture in Berlin and simultaneously in 73 different cities in the world.
From developing an alternative alternative to the 500,000 daily waste coffee to- go cups in Berlin to the formation of an open source startup accelerator in Chennai, India – the last days were about finding ideas for sustainable projects, bringing people together, designing prototypes, testing new ways of thinking and mutually supporting each other in all this. We Visionauts invited to think along in our EU research project “Hosting Eco-Social Innovation” and have been rewarded with an abundance of insights and experiences about successful innovation, soon you will read more about it.
The OSCEdays still go on till tonight – find out here, which city is near you to join spontaneously or bring your ideas or questions in the online platform.