Who says that winter in Germany is tough and cold?
For sure, the one the Academy of Visionautics experienced was not, since it was warmed up by a lab full of colours, meaning, joy and inspiration!
From the 13th to the 24th of February, 13 new Visionauts have been engaging with a journey into their own creativity, and their personal and professional development. In these days, new visions for a positive impact on society have been developed, and all sorts of ideas formed concrete shape.

In the magical location of Kloster Lehnin, with an iced lake that provided the perfect landscape for risk-taking challenges, the Academy guided the participants to see their ideas emerge and plan their implementation. The holistic approach also included instilling high motivation and energy with body-experiences such as arrow breaking, bar bending and fire walking.

Amongst others the topics were:
-A non retirement community of elders that redefines ageing in the 21st century near Barcelona by Gil Agnew;
-The startup of a tourist company specialised in learning journeys for social entrepreneurship in Brasil by Richard Brownsdon;
-The startup of a company for the recycling of old electric appliances in Budapest with an integrative, local approach by Orsolya Fülöp.

Beside the co-initiators Jutta and Boris Goldammer, and the staff members Joos van den Dool and Valentina Catena, participants have been supported by a solid crew of 7 coaches (each of them offering  different approaches ranging from systemic approaches, NLP, graphic facilitation, bodyintegrated coaching and goal oriented coaching) and 4 professional consultants (on viral marketing, PR and communication, business strategy and finances).

If you want to be part of the journey, spring is coming with labs for trainers and facilitators (where you will dive deep into the Visionautics methodology), social innovators (to develop your project and your vision), and business leaders intensives  (visionary leadership or power & stamina in a very compact format of 2 days).

Görlitzer Strasse 65
10997 Berlin