In February, the Academy of Visionautics applied for EU funded Learning Partnership within the Grundtvig programme of lifelong learning.
The Learning partnership’s topic is “Hosting Transformation: Best practices on facilitating sustainable innovation and active citizenship”. It will take place over a period of two years. During this time, a set of laboratories and exchange meetings will bring together some of the most inspiring and innovative European realities in the field of adult education:
-the NGO Learning Organizations for Sustainability “SOL” (Hungary)
-the association for holistic sustainable development “p l e n u m”  that brought up the pioneers of change year (Austria)
-the social entrepreneur training programme “International Youth Initiative Program” (Sweden)
-the educational centre for sustainability “Embercombe” (United Kindom)
-the entrepreneurs school “Knowmads” ( Netherlands)
-and the secular community of international artists “Art Monastery Project” (Italy).
The main mission of this EU-Learning partnership is to explore and come up with innovative solutions to the bottlenecks and challenges that changemakers face in their processes of transformation. How can we support in the best possible way active citizens along their pioneering path from the first idea to the implementation of social change?
Keep fingers crossed that we get the funding!

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10997 Berlin