Den Müll aus dir rausschreiben

Are you sometimes full of restlessness and repetitive nagging thoughts, worries or scenes from the  past? Is your inner dialogue telling you that you’re not good enough, that you can’t possibly manage an event ahead of you, or that everything is hopeless? Refresh and reset your mind with this effective and relieving exercise “Journaling out the junk” from our mindset matters series.



Every week we publish a selected inspiration and practical exercise from our toolbox. They will help you to consciously shape your inner and outer world. This week’s exercise strengthens the #InnerDevelopmentGoals BEING (Self Awareness), THINKING (Perspective Skills), RELATING (Connectedness, Empathy and Compassion) 

Viele dieser Übungen sind in Zusammenarbeit mit unseren fantastischen Partnern legacy17 in Schweden, plenum in Österreich, The Art Monastery Project in Italien, Rogers Akademia in Ungarn, Trekstones in Deutschland und Biovilla in Portugal entstanden. Nochmals vielen Dank an MarilynMehlmann, AnnikaPiirimets, SuikoBetsyMcCall, Filipe Alves, Lydia Muller, SylviaBrenzel, AlfredStrigl, Halász Dora Vera and Ursel Biester, die zum Kernteam des Projekts „Hosting Empowerment“ gehörten.

Görlitzer Strasse 65
10997 Berlin