Diese Buch ist im Rahmen der Partnerschaft für Tranformatives Lernen entstanden und auf Englisch. Nähere informationen auf  dem englischsprachigen Teil dieser Webseite. Aber es sind auch viele schöne Bilder drin zum schmökern.

Filme zum Buch

“I welcome this book with all my heart. It could be, and I believe it will be, of great significance. We are close to a tipping point – a bifurcation point in the way we manage this world and ourselves in the world. The way we have been managing ourselves and the world cannot be sustained any longer. We need to transform – ourselves, first of all – if we truly want to transform the world. Change begins at home, with each of us. And it continues with the small groups of friends and like-minded people who get together to align their thinking, their feeling, and their vision.”
Ervin Laszlo in his Foreword to this book.

Hosting Transformation : stories from the edge of changemaking
International Partnership for Transformative Learning
Editiert von Betsy McCall & Joos van den Dool
Vorwort von Ervin Laszlo
ISBN 978-3-00-042450-2

Görlitzer Strasse 65
10997 Berlin