Contrary to the impression you might get by reading newspapers we have the perception that things are really buzzing these days. There is now a huge number of free-thinking people with good ideas, open hearts and the vigour to innovate and promote new initiatives. It seems to us that social entrepreneurship has reached a tipping point. This impression was reinforced during our recent visits and collaborative work with schools from our network – the Danish Chaos Pilots, the Austrian Pioneers of Change and the Team Lab in Spain. Working for a better world has become trendy and new initiatives are popping up all over the place.
The focus on great projects and their impact triggers questions of self-care:
How can we recharge our batteries and nourish ourselves physically, intellectually and emotionally?
Alongside inner work and ensuring that we do things that fill us with joy, developing profound relationships with others has become vitally important to us at Visionautics. In particular, in the last few years, we have formed a deep connection with an international group of educational pioneers, the IPTL (International Partnership for Transformative Learning). They are people with whom we learn and experiment, open-heartedly support and advise each other, with whom we can be fully alive as we jointly untangle knots, laugh, celebrate and create international projects.
Four years ago, in collaboration with IPTL, we organised the first Hosting Transformation Days, a conference for education pioneers and changemakers. This year we are the hosts in Berlin. Rather than sitting in a large conference hall listening to keynote speakers, we want to make palpable what has become so important to us in this group: the spirit of the personal encounter. So the conference will take place in numerous private living rooms in the city. An experiment. We love experiments. They make us strong and keep us alive. We invite you to join, to revive your energy and to become part of this network.

Görlitzer Strasse 65
10997 Berlin