Last weekend, the Visionauts opened an experimental field of transformation at the impact HUB Berlin and there was a lot to celebrate:
The participants of the Visionautikum pilot year presented for the first time their future-shaping projects and spread joy of creating the world within and around us. The visitors could try out new ways of being in the Transformatorium with personality exchange office and boost their wishes for the future in the garden of transformation. There were delicious appetite-for-future snacks and community music, many lively conversations and new cooperations. Thanks to all who made this event possible and to all who contributed to this unique atmosphere through their openness and their joy of experimenting!
Here are some photo impressions of the Future Fest:
Am vergangenen Wochenende öffneten die Visionauten im impact HUB Berlin ein Experimentierfeld des Wandels und es gab viel zu feiern:
Die Teilnehmer des Visionautikum-Pilotjahrgangs stellten ihre zukunftsweisenden Projekte vor und versprühten Gestaltungslust. Die Besucherinnen probierten im Transformatorium mit Perspektiv- und Persönlichkeitswechselstube Neues aus und verliehen im Wandelgarten Wünschenswertem Kraft. Es gab leckere Appetit-auf-Zukunftshäppchen und Mitmachmusik, es entstanden neue Kooperationen und viele lebendige Gespräche. Danke an alle, die dabei mitgewirkt haben und danke an alle, die durch ihre Offenheit und ihre Experimentierfreude zu dieser einzigartigen Atmosphäre beigetragen haben! Hier einige Fotoeindrücke des Zukunftsfestes:
Visionautics spring methodology lab has just finished, and an exciting journey towards their vision has just started for a brand new batch of visionauts. Esther Vallado, head of the NGO Biodiversa in Spain, was one of them and shares her reflections about the lab:
In a beautiful and inspiring location, the Arts and Crafts Institute in Kloster Lehnin, and in close contact with nature, 13 participants from Austria, Denmark, France, Germany, Italy, Morocco, Egypt, Poland, Spain and the Netherlands, ready to expect the unexpected, experienced the visionautic methodology and blossomed just as flowers in spring.
The lab was not just one lab, but 13 labs in one, as every participant felt the course was tailor-made for their personality, their project and their personal needs for improvement. The interaction between participants and facilitators was constant, and the space for improvisation huge.
The visionautic facilitators found out that I had the intention to become a trainer, but I had never had the chance to practice before, so they gave me the opportunity to test my facilitation skills right in the visionautic lab. This was such a valuable experience for me. I gained confidence and self-assurance, and I am now determined to continue my path as a trainer/facilitator, knowing that I am more than good enough for it.
Alongside with the conceptual and mainly practical programme, there were also some unconventional activities planned, such as arrow-breaking and fire-walking.
You might think: “what did you break an arrow with the soft part of your throat for? And what did you walk on fire for? Isn’t it just something crazy?” But, apart from having fun with it, I had a very valuable experiencial learning through these activities. I overcame many fears and I was able to face challenges which seemed absolutely impossible. After this I am confident that I will achieve what I envision for my future. Whenever I encounter a difficulty, I will think, “Come on, I’ve walked on fire, this can’t be more difficult than that!” Also, these activities helped me train myself into keeping the focus towards my aim. The dancing and singing along the fire brought my spirit closer to the roots of humankind, and made me feel one with the planet… it was the magic in the fire and the atmosphere of unity within the group that supported me.
Another part of the programme that I specially enjoyed was the “visionautics quest”, some sort of scavenger hunt in which every path you take is different and adapted to your needs or questions. In my very personal visionautic quest path I could tackle in a very playful way the issues I had to solve to get my life-project going with full energy.
I will need several weeks to process all the learnings and feelings I had during the lab, paraphrasing Claudia, one of the participants: “taking part in a visionautic lab is a life altering experience“.
(By Esther Vallado, Spain, participant in the Visionautics Spring Methodology Lab 2012)
Yesterday, Esther Vallado, head of the NGO Biodiversa in Spain and participant of the recent Visionautic methodology lab has been interviewed by RadioAsturias about the Visionautic lab. Listen to the interview here: Entrevista Visionauticas en Radioasturias
Just discovered that you can now practice social innovation along with learning German by a Deutsche Welle report on Visionautics turned into a language course